Add SyntaxHighLighter on CKEditor
CKEditor Plugin URL : http://code.google.com/p/ckeditor-syntaxhighlight/
SyntaxHighLighter URL : http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/
* Install
1. Download "CKEditor Plugin" Code, copy the folder "syntaxhighlight" in /ckeditor/plugins/
2. Edit "/ckeditor/plugins/syntaxhighlight/dialogs/syntaxhighlight.js" file
- Choose apply file type
//['Bash (Shell)', 'bash'],
['C#', 'csharp'],
['C++', 'cpp'],
['CSS', 'css'],
//['Delphi', 'delphi'],
//['Diff', 'diff'],
//['Groovy', 'groovy'],
['Javascript', 'jscript'],
['Java', 'java'],
//['Java FX', 'javafx'],
['Perl', 'perl'],
['PHP', 'php'],
//['Plain (Text)', 'plain'],
['Python', 'python'],
['Ruby', 'ruby'],
//['Scala', 'scala'],
['SQL', 'sql'],
//['VB', 'vb'],
['XML/XHTML', 'xml']
3. Edit "/ckeditor/config.js" file
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
config.extraPlugins = 'syntaxhighlight';
4. Download "SyntaxHighLighter" code, copy file to your site.
styles : shCore.css, shThemeDefault.css
scripts : shCore.js, shBrushPhp.js, shBrushJava.js ( You need JS file - choose apply file type [2.] )
5. Include HTML file, css and js, and use the CKEditor
6. Call the SyntaxHighlighter,
* Change odd number line color, edit "shThemeDefault.css" file
.syntaxhighlighter .line.alt2 {
background-color: #DFE7FF !important; /* white */